Mindshop COVID-19 update
– guidance from Dr Chris Mason and the Mindshop team
The COVID-19 media coverage is creating understandable anxiety in the global community which as business advisors and coaches we need to take into account when advising our clients, friends, and family. The American Psychological Association (APA) has put out some tips to manage this anxiety which are more grounded in reality compared to much of what we are reading in the general media.
The five tips are:
1. Keep things in perspective
Most people will not get seriously unwell, even those over 70 can take steps to minimise the likelihood of getting the virus, as more data becomes available the analysis suggests the death rate is relatively low.
2. Get the facts
Watch getting caught up with some sensationalised media coverage and start reading reports from the relevant authorities.
3. Communicate more
Share qualified data with others, clients, family and friends. If we remain calm it builds confidence and reduces anxiety in others.
4. Keep connected
Maintain all your connections “electronically” using social media, email, Zoom and the Mindshop Online platform to help retain a sense of normality.
5. Seek help
Individuals who feel an overwhelming nervousness, sadness, or other reaction impacting their job performance or interpersonal relationships should consult a mental health professional to manage their stress. Finding constructive ways to manage any adversity is the way to help these individuals.
Mindshop has provided the following update to its global advisors alongside a wealth of other resources.
Mindshop resources contain the proven tools and processes our clients need to manage most if not all the challenges they will experience due to the COVID-19 virus. The bottom line is we each need to get closer to our clients in the coming weeks and months. Work through your client list and write to them offering further suggestions for their current matters and using the opportunity to offer help on any matters of concern. For the majority just knowing you are there will be enough, for others it will be an exchange of practical coaching posts, and for a smaller number, a phone call or Zoom call.
Mindshop Events and Operational Update
Mindshop has already announced the cancellation of its March UK and USA training days and replaced with webinars run by Chris Mason in those regions. These events will also be recorded and distributed to all Mindshop advisors after the events. For our advisors, more information on these can be found on Mindshop Online.
Mindshop is currently reviewing the global travel restrictions in place and how this may also impact our Australasian, European and North American conferences in May and June 2020. We will over the next week provide an update on these and any alternative solutions we put in place around these if required. More on this soon.
The health and well-being of our Mindshop team is also of critical importance as is the continued support, training and coaching support to the global Mindshop community. We have already implemented applicable policies to stop all non-essential travel, implement work from home potential for all team members, applicable protocols for our team should it be directly impacted by any sickness with the purpose of the continued operation of Mindshop and safety of team members.
We shall be implementing a wealth of initiatives to assist all Mindshop advisors and their online users navigate these challenging times and will distribute those regularly over the coming weeks and months ahead. Further ideas for leveraging Mindshop resources with your internal team and external clients during this time can be found on Mindshop Online.
If we can help you with any client or personal matter please contact us, your regional manager or your Mindshop coach. We are all here to help.