Cracking the Code:
10 Dysfunctions Holding Professional Service Firms Back
It’s challenging running a professional service firm
On top of the unrelenting stream of work, there are constant legislative changes, capacity issues due to problems attracting and retaining quality staff, new technology to navigate, new service lines to implement and finding the time to build capabilities to stay ahead of the competition. When combined these elements can become overwhelming, driving dysfunctions that hold a firm back.
Mindshop’s Dr Chris Mason has developed 30 strategies to overcome 10 dysfunctions in a firm.
With this market dynamic, regardless of whether a firm is under-performing or achieving solid results, often there’s a pervasive malaise caused by a lack of leadership engagement in firms. One could blame the leftover shadow of the challenging COVID years, compounded by the subsequent rise in workload and pace of change. But for many firms, these challenges were simmering years before the pandemic and some leaders are simply exhausted by change. They still want to achieve solid financial returns, but now question their level of life balance and future in the firm or industry. As many firms are consensus-driven this causes frustration for managing partners who also question their own future pathway.
Does any of this sound like you or your firm? If so, you are definitely not alone.
Too many dysfunctions occurring consecutively in your firm will lead to poorer performance, demotivated teams, low staff retention rates and general fragility across the firm.
Discover your Top Three Dysfunctions
By answering 30 questions, taking just five minutes, the ‘Ten Dysfunctions of a Professional Firm’ diagnostic will identify your stronger and weaker areas so you can apply strategies to turnaround your firm.
30 Strategies to Turn Around Your Dysfunctional Firm
How can you turn around a dysfunctional firm? If you’ve completed‘Ten Dysfunctions of a Professional Service Firm‘ diagnostic look at your top three weak areas and match them with the ‘turnaround’ strategies in our strategy paper.
If you need any help, please contact a Mindshop Regional Director.