New podcast out February 1. Building a second brain.
Mindshop started in 1994 in Melbourne, Australia as a family-run business with a philosophy of helping others using proven business tools and techniques.
Founded by Dr Chris Mason following the running of his successful, independent consulting business it has over the years expanded into a licensing model supporting the success of accounting firms, coaches and consultants.
Mindshop has a core focus of building high performing business advisors but in fact assists people all ages and professions, from students exploring future career paths via the charitable trust, Mindshop Excellence, all the way through to the most senior business leaders driving growth and profit in their organisations via our Mindshop advisors.
Fast-forward to today and Mindshop is thriving business, supporting thousands of business leaders and advisors in 14 countries accelerate their success. Its advisory technology, training, resources, coaching support and network are market leading and continuously improving each year.
Our vision is to be the leading source of technology, education, coaching and leverage to quality business advisors around the globe, who fit with our core values. We will be market leaders at taking our target market on a tailored learning journey to achieve their high performance business advisory and personal goals with lifelong, sustained impact for them and their clients.
Mindshop has six core values that drive our decision making and how we run the business. These are embraced by our community of global advisors, see below for more detail.
As a family-owned business, Mindshop lives and breathes six core values shared by the business advisors in our global community
We think of others first before our own needs, whether with suppliers, alliance partners, customers or team members. We’re always looking for ways to help others with our skills and knowledge with no hidden agenda for personal gain.
We have a growth mindset and always look for more effective ways of doing things.
Never happy with the status quo, we are always looking for better ways of doing things.
Through our charity Mindshop Excellence, we build capability today in tomorrow’s problem solvers.
Mindshop Excellence fast tracks the development of young minds through a one week employer-hosted work experience program aimed at fostering skills such as team work & self confidence.
We can have a laugh at ourselves and don’t take things too seriously.
We treat our events as family gatherings where all are welcomed and made to feel at home. Our events are not a sales opportunity, there are no sponsors.
Authentic in all we do, we are happy to discuss both our strengths and weaknesses so we can grow.
We are understated and humble in public forums about our achievements and successes.
We call it as we see it with people we care about regardless of their opinion of us afterwards, we don’t have to be all things to all people.
The Mindshop Way is a system and way of thinking with the
goal of making complex business advisory concepts simple:
The Mindshop Way simplifies business advisory complexities, making it easier to accelerate your advisory edge, for better client outcomes and internal performance improvements.
Established by Mindshop Founders Chris & Julie Mason in 1993, Mindshop Excellence fast tracks the development of young minds through a one-week employer-hosted work experience program.