New podcast out February 1. Building a second brain.


Creating a $9k/mth Leadership Program

Dan Gabbett
Roberston Scannell



Leadership development program


Six months


Commercial & industrial electrical services provider, 170 staff, Queensland, Australia.


$9,000 per month for six months

Lead source

Met the managing director at a networking  event.

Client objectives

Development of leadership team with inadequate skills and experience to manage a team, with specific focus on improved communication and the time management

Engagement Structure - Now

Program ElementFrequencyWhoMindshop Resources Used

Initial prior to

commencement of

workshops to understand capability gaps &


Mindshop Expert, Advisory Support Staff

[Mindshop Diagnostics]

Leadership, profit & efficiency, and

emotional intelligence.

Workshop Development

& Delivery

MonthlyMindshop Expert & Advisory Support Staff

[Mindshop Pre-Built Workshops]

Leadership skills, resilience, time

management, emotional intelligence & personal change success.

Online Training

Initial mandatory course

assigned to all

participants who could

then do as many other

courses as they liked or    as recommended by the coach.

Mindshop Expert

[Mindshop Online Courses]

Leadership performance.

One-On-One CoachingBi-monthlyMindshop Expert

[Mindshop Online Coach Tier]

Develop actions, accountability calls, tools & online course assignment.


Initial leadership program success resulted in Robertson Scannell being engaged for a second round. Participants’ feedback was very positive, they felt the program was:

  •  directly related to their daily work,
  •  structured so they were able to learn from each other, and
  •  completion of the courses gave them a sense of achievement.

What's Next

For the client engagement: Robertson Scannell have been engaged to conduct strategic planning sessions & provide project implementation support.

For Robertson Scannell: The leadership program model has been productised and Robertson Scannell are exploring other sales opportunities within the same industry via word of mouth, speaking engagements, social media,  and referrals.

Top Tips for Advisors

  1. Get a budget from the client prior to submitting pricing.
  2. Customise the existing content on Mindshop, don’t reinvent the wheel.
  3. Show the client value by solving their problems.
  4. Reach out to the Mindshop community to understand what’s worked on the discussion forum.
  5. Understand that each participant learns differently and deliver content accordingly.
  6. Don’t be afraid to change mid-direction as you discover more.
  7. Get team members to work together in small groups.

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