New podcast out February 1. Building a second brain.


Growth & Profit Solutions Beyond the Numbers

Matthew Heemstra
Growth & Profit Solutions,
Cain Ellsworth, USA

Effectively leveraging Mindshop support is paramount for driving business advisory success.
Here are some tips from accredited Mindshop Expert, Matthew Heemstra, Managing Partner, Director of Growth & Profit Solutions, Cain Ellsworth.

Tips for Leveraging Mindshop

1. Complete Courses

Do the courses, that learning is invaluable & helps you get momentum.

2. Regular Coaching Calls

Have a regular call/zoom/whatever with your coach – accountability & keeps you on track.

3. Diarise Your Learning

Schedule time on your calendar for courses/Mindshop Online content at least weekly

– it’s so easy to get distracted by ‘other work’ .

4. Don’t Wait for Perfect

Get support from your coach right before a client engagement and then dive in – don’t wait until you think you’ve got the tools
down perfectly because that never happens, get ‘good enough’ .

5. Just Start

Don’t feel like you need to know how to use 100 tools before you can start applying them with clients

– get the core problem solving/strategy tools and just dive in and then ask Mindshop for help.

Why Mindshop?

‘Mindshop is actually interested in your success – other providers say that, but they largely just drop some software or AI or IT things on you and then you’re on your own.  Mindshop actually wants me, Matt, to be successful, and they want that for each individual who’s part of the community, and they will take the time to help you succeed.  They’re not just trying to sell you software and then move on to the next firm.’

Cain Ellsworth’s Advisor Success Playbook

Here’s how Matt Heemstra at Cain Ellsworth is leveraging  Mindshop to achieve business advisory success.

Business Advisory Services Offered

Matt leverages Mindshop’s prebuilt advisory services & tools to deliver:

  1. Business Planning.
  2. Growth & Profit Solutions.
  3. Coaching.
  4. Implementation.


Effective Marketing Strategies

Matt rebrands Mindshop’s thought leadership resources & diagnostics to promote business advisory services to prospects, he builds a sales pipeline through:

  1. Internal & client referrals.
  2. Thought leadership online blogs.
  3. Personal brand development via online channels.


Capability Building Activities

Matt continuously builds business advisory capabilities by completing Mindshop courses & attending training events, he:

  1. Is an accredited Mindshop Expert.
  2. Offers regular client Growth Hubs, constantly practising his facilitation skills & updating knowledge on hot topics
  3. Consistently attends and presents at Mindshop training rounds & conferences.
  4. Demonstrates capability via online social channels.

About Cain Ellsworth

Cain Ellsworth is a professional accounting, tax, and advisory firm that specializes in serving small to medium sized businesses throughout the Midwest Region of the United States, and has been going Beyond the Numbers with clients for nearly 60 years.

Location: Iowa, USA
Joined Mindshop: 2008


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