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Building fluency as an agile advisor


Building fluency as an agile advisor


After visiting Australia, New Zealand and the US, the Mindshop advisor training round wrapped up in Birmingham (UK) exploring the topic ‘Building fluency as an agile advisor’. One of the top 10 insights from the Mindshop Business Advisor Insight Study for 2016 ‘being a better coach to my client’ was the 4th top challenge identified by advisors responding to the survey.

Advisors are finding prescriptive approaches don’t work in today’s mature market, they need to display the ability to be ‘the best problem solver in the room’ facilitating change rather than simply consulting. Using tools such as Mindshop Online on their smart phone, the agile advisor is able to quickly get up to speed on any challenge thrown at them; accessing courses, ‘how to’ videos and tools when ever and wherever needed.

So why does agility pay? Seventy percent of agile companies rank in the top quartile of organisational health according to McKinsey&Company. With ten management practices differentiating the most from the least agile ones. Practices such as process-based capabilities, knowledge sharing and capturing external ideas were key to becoming agile.

Workshop participants completed this McKinsey&Company grid to determine the agility of their advisory business, then discussed the use of tools on Mindshop Online such as ‘Now, Where, How’, the Change Success Model, Pareto Analysis and One Page Plan to assist advisors become more agile whilst simultaneously saving valuable time.

How agile is your advisory business?

Source: Why agility pays.

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