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Don’t let advisory opportunities fall to competitors


Don’t let advisory opportunities fall to competitors


Today, business advisory opportunities abound, but paradoxically they’ve never been more difficult to convert.

Why do some advisors generate great success while others struggle?

Quality clients have become sophisticated in their knowledge and mature in their needs. Advisors providing complex ‘scripted’ solutions or dashboards as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for driving change will struggle to get buy-in.

Mindshop is ‘bridging the gap’ in capability and capacity for advisors through the wealth of solutions on the Mindshop Online platform. This platform complements the face-to-face training, coaching support and global advisor network refined by Mindshop over the the past 20 years.

All the advisory building blocks you need in one place

14 ‘ready to go’ advisory solutions have been pre-built, from hundreds of online Mindshop tools and resources, enabling you to quickly market and deliver solutions that will cut through with mature clients, such as strategic planning, growth strategies, coaching and implementation and many more. Each solution has:

  • Implementation steps
  • Marketing material and sales tips
  • Online training courses to upskill quickly
  • Support actions from your coach to enable seamless implementation
  • Business tools with high definition demonstration videos
  • Ready-to-go client workshops complete with presenter notes, tips and tricks
  • Diagnostics to put on your website or use in meetings
Coach clients from anywhere in the world, at any time

Mindshop’s mobile platform allows you to coach clients from anywhere in the world. Your own branded app gives you a fantastic competitive advantage. Coach clients in seconds compared to what may have taken hours with pre-built solutions and tools. Automatically assign online courses, set actions and initiate step-by-step implementation processes all from your smart phone.

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