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How to maximise your probability of organizational and personal change success – new book launch from Dr Chris Mason


How to maximise your probability of organizational and personal change success – new book launch from Dr Chris Mason

When a client of Dr Chris Mason’s took his own life, Chris’s initial reaction was ‘what could I have done to prevent this?’

Realising it was likely his friend had given up on life after several failed attempts to fix his business Chris started to contemplate the cost of continual change project failures. The ‘trial and error’ approach eventually works for some people, but at what cost to others?

Chris’s research topic for his PhD in industrial and organizational psychology was then formed – how could the statistic of 30% probability of success be significantly improved? How could the high cost in both personal and financial terms of failure be avoided?

Chris concluded there was a lack of guidance and a model that could be used with confidence to successfully implement change, so he set about researching organizations and later, individuals to predict change success.

Another research program based on personal change success was undertaken in response to the increased pace of change and complexity of issues in organizations, causing significant stress and change fatigue to employees. After all an organization is made up of individuals, but would there be a difference in the personal compared to the organizational model? The organizational change success model is covered in another blog, read here to learn more.

Chris’s new publication Change Success – How to maximise your probability of change success in both organizational and personal change covers the key factors that a leader can use to enhance their people, strategies and plans to positively impact their probability of change success.

As anticipated, some people are significantly more successful than others at implementing change. Chris’s challenge was to understand why – what were the key factors impacting personal change success and were they different to those impacting an organization?

Three core elements and sub-elements for personal change success were discovered:

  • Readiness 36% – How ready people are to implement change, their need for change, vision, personal energy & plan.
  • Capability 28% – The skills needed to implement change, categorised into perseverance and high performance habits.
  • Beliefs 36% – The overall attitude of the person in relation to the change such as mindset, self- confidence, perceived benefits.

It was interesting to note that in the organizational model, capability was the highest factor, in the personal model it was the least significant of the factors. But all factors are interrelated, you can’t implement personal change by focusing on one area alone. The challenge for individuals is to use the model to identify key gaps and put in place action plans to address the deficits.

Why not use the Personal Change Success Diagnostic to see how ready you are to tackle your personal change initiative? Perhaps it’s weight loss, improving communications or changing a habit. Click here to try the diagnostic.

Change Success – How to maximise your probability of change success in both organizational and personal change is available for purchase through Amazon in either Kindle or print versions. To order 10 copies or more for gifts to employees or clients, please contact

The book covers the key factors for both personal and organizational change success and provides practical tactics to aid planning, auditing where you are now, working out where you want to be in the future.

1 Comment
  • Mark Ellsworth
    3:50 PM, 22 June 2019

    It’s great to see your research published.

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